Line 5 Condos 的精美单身公寓。位于 Yonge 和 Eglinton 的中心地带。落地窗提供充足的自然光线、现代时尚的室内设计、高端装饰、开放式布局、不锈钢内置电器。位置便利,是多伦多新的超级连接中心。从前门步行不远即可到达近 200 家商店、酒吧、公园和餐厅。距离 Eglinton 地铁站和新的 Eglinton Crosstown LRT 仅几步之遥。
Stunning studio unit at Line 5 Condos. Located in the heart of Yonge and Eglinton. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide ample natural light, modern fashion design, high-end finishes, open-concept layout, and stainless steel built-in appliances. Convenient location, Toronto’s new hub of hyper-connectivity. Close to 200 shops, bars, parks and restaurants all within a short walk from the front door. Steps from Eglinton subway station and the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
楼花信息 Project Info:
楼花名字 Project Name: Line 5 Condos
位置 Location: 127 Broadway Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 0A5
路口 Intersection: Eglinton Ave E / Mt Pleasant Rd
楼花类型 Project Type: 高层公寓; High-Rise Condominium
楼层 Storey: 39-Storey
开发商 Developer: Reserve Properties and Westdale Properties
建筑设计 Building Design: 建筑师 Arcadis Architect; 室内设计 U31 Interior Designer; 景观设计师 Landscape Architect Brook McIlroy & Ferris + Associates Inc.
正式入住日期 Firm Occupancy Date: March, 2025
转让单元信息 Assignment Unit Info:
单元号 Unit #: Unit 809
楼层 Level: 8层; Level 8
卧室 Bedroom: 0 Bedroom (Studio)
浴室 Bathroom: 1 Bathroom (4 pcs)
单元面积 Unit Area: 345 sq.ft. + 55 sq.ft. Balcony
阳台 Balcony: 开放式阳台; Open Balcony
朝向 Exposure: 朝东; East
车位 Parking: 无; None
储物柜 Locker: 无; None
管理费 Maintenance Fee: $0.58/sq. ft. 注: 水费和电费分开计量。含气费。Notes: Water and hydro are separately metered. Gas is included.
挂牌价格 Listing Price: $350,000
原购买价 Original Purchase Price: $395,900
已付首付 Paid Deposit: $79,180
未付首付 Unpaid Deposit: $0
Capped Development Levies: $10,900
楼层平面图 Floor Plan:
特色&装修 Features And Finishes:
- 9 英尺天花板高度; 9′ ceiling height
- 叠层洗衣机和烘干机; stacked washer and dryer
- 独立控制的按需供暖和空调系统; individually controlled on-demand heating and air conditioning system
- 定制设计的欧式厨房和浴室橱柜; custom-designed European-style kitchen & bathroom cabinetry
- 不锈钢电器 – 灶具、烤箱、微波炉、排气扇; stainless steel appliances – cooktop, oven, microwave, exhaust fan
- 集成式 ENERGY STAR 无霜冰箱、ENERGY STAR 洗碗机; Integrated ENERGY STAR frost-free refrigerator, ENERGY STAR dishwasher
- 带内置柜的全梳妆台宽度镜子; full vanity width mirror with built-in cabinet
- 深浸浴缸; deep soaker bathtub
公寓设施 Condo Amenities:
- 24 小时礼宾服务; 24hrs Concierge
- 宠物水疗中心; Pet Spa
- 健身房; Fitness Studio
- 户外瑜伽和禅花园; Outdoor Yoga & Zen Garden
- 蒸汽房; Steam Room
- 桑拿房; Sauna Room
- 水疗休息室; Spa Lounge
- 户外烧烤和餐饮休息室; Outdoor BBQ & Dining Lounge
- 派对休息室; Party Lounge
- 户外火坑休息室; Outdoor Firepit Lounge
- 户外游戏休息室; Outdoor Games Lounge
- 室外游泳池; Outdoor Pool
健身房; Fitness Studio
室外游泳池; Outdoor Pool
桑拿房; Sauna Room
户外烧烤和餐饮休息室; Outdoor BBQ & Dining Lounge
户外瑜伽和禅花园; Outdoor Yoga & Zen Garden
地理位置 Location:
位置便利,是多伦多新的超级连接中心。从前门步行不远即可到达近 200 家商店、酒吧、公园和餐厅。距离 Eglinton 地铁站和新的 Eglinton Crosstown LRT 仅几步之遥。
Convenient location, Toronto’s new hub of hyper-connectivity. Close to 200 shops, bars, parks and restaurants all within a short walk from the front door. Steps from Eglinton subway station and the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
照片 Photo:
厨房 Kitchen
客厅 / 卧室 Living / Bedroom
四件套浴室 4 pcs Bathroom
开放式阳台 Open Balcony