位于 Bracebridge 镇 Camel Lake 附近的 59 英亩空地。一条僻静的车道蜿蜒贯穿整个土地,周围是茂密的林地。Hydro服务可提供。地块非常适合建房。靠近 Muskoka lakes 和 Huntsville。距离 Bracebridge 20 分钟车程。
59 acres of vacant land near Camel Lake in the town of Bracebridge. A secluded driveway meanders throughout the land, encompassing lush woodlands. Hydro service is available. Perfect lot to build. Close to Muskoka lakes and Huntsville. 20 minutes drive from Bracebridge.
空地信息 Vacant Land Information
地址 Address: 1310 Camel Lake Rd Lot # 7, Muskoka Lakes
价格 Price:
路口 Intersection: Manitoba St. & Camel Lake Rd
场地面积 Lot Area: 59英亩; 59 acres
场地形状 Lot Shape: 不规则 Irregular
特点 Features:
- 一条车道贯穿整个土地; One driveway throughout the land
- 茂密的林地; Lush woodlands
- Hydro服务可提供; Hydro service is available
- 紧挨着 Camel Lake; Next to Camel Lake
分区 Zoning
分区 Zoning: RU1, EP1, OS2, WR1-7
PIN#: 481350341
ARN#: 445302000103507
毗邻 Camel Lake 59 英亩优质空地 – 59 Acres Vacant Land Near Camel Lake