斯图夫维尔(Whitchurch-Stouffville)镇由几个不同的社区和小乡村组成。 位于多伦多北部,是约克区东部的一个美丽小镇。小镇宽约4.5公里,西边紧邻404高速,东到York-Durham Line,长约2.7公里, 北临Davis Dr,南临19th Ave, 城市面积206.41平方公里,城市人口为45,837。小镇内拥有广阔的农牧区、茂密的森林、湖泊、峡谷、马术场、高尔夫球场,濒临闹市却又远离喧嚣,所以有桃源小镇的美称。纯天然的自然风光,好似置身世外桃源。每天呼吸着新鲜空气,即便是时下在家工作已成为日常,枯燥的生活也会因此得到些许的安慰。
The town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is made up of several different communities and small villages. Located in the north of Toronto, it is a beautiful town in the east of York. The town is about 4.5 kilometers wide, West adjacent to Highway 404, York-Durham Line to the east, about 2.7 kilometers long, Davis Dr to the north, and 19th Ave to the south. The city covers an area of 206.41 square kilometers and has a population of 45,837. The town has vast farming and pastoral areas, dense forests, lakes, canyons, equestrian fields, and golf courses. It is close to the busy city but far away from the hustle and bustle, so it has the reputation of Taoyuan Town. The pure natural scenery is like being in a paradise. Next to nature with fresh air, even working from home has become to daily life, your life needs to be upgraded.
房型介绍 (Property Description)
占地面积 Lot Area: 26 Acres (600.56 ft x 653.8 ft)
房屋面积 Building Area: 17,000 sq.ft.
地址 Address: 4020 Vivian Rd, Cedar Valley, ON, L0G 1E0
价格 Price: $28,000,000
楼层 Storey: 2
卧室数量 Bedrooms: 15
浴室数量 Bathrooms: 16
停车位 Parking: 内置车库 / 4; Built-in Garage / 4
风格 Type: 豪宅; Mansion
地下室 Basement: 精美装修; Finished
地理位置和交通 (Location & Traffic)
交通 Transit Locations:
YRT bus stop #4859; SW of Mount Albert Rd/ Kennedy Rd (5.82km)
YRT bus stop #4878; NE of Mount Albert Rd/Kennedy Rd (5.84km)
East Gwillimbury Go Station (8.88km)
5 分钟车程至HWY 404,可进入大多地区高速路网到达各个地区,距离多伦多市中心约有半小时车程。该镇还与万锦市接壤,地理位置优势明显,近10年来万锦市不断有人口北迁至斯图夫维尔定居。附近的公园包括:Scout Tract York Regional Forest; Eldred King Woodlands; Mitchell Tract;North Tract York Region Forest。
It takes 5 minutes to drive to HWY 404, and can enter the highway network of most areas to reach various areas. It is about half an hour’s drive from downtown Toronto. The town also borders the city of Markham and has obvious geographical advantages. In the past 10 years, the city of Markham has continuously moved its population northward to settle in Stouffville. Nearby parks include Scout Tract York Regional Forest,; Eldred King Woodlands; Mitchell Tract; North Tract York Region Forest.
紧急求助设施 Emergency Services:
消防站 Fire station: 5-2 Ballantrae Station; 15400 Highway 48 (4.72km)
医院 Hospital: Southlake Regional Health Centre; 596 Davis Drive (8.59km)
警察局 Police Station: District 1 Station; 240 Prospect Street (8.9km)
社区 Community: Whitchurch-Stouffville
路口 Intersection: Kenney Rd/ Vivian Rd
教育资源 (Education)
小学 (英语)Public Elementary School: Ballantrae P.S.; 5632 Aurora Road (5.72km)
中学(法语)Secondary French Immersion School: Newmarket HS; 505 Pickering Crescent (7.5km)
天主教小学 Catholic Elementary School: St. Elizabeth Seton; 960 Leslie Valley Drive (7.67km)
天主教中学 Catholic Secondary School: Sacred Heart CHS; 908 Lemar Road (7.69km)
人口分布 (Population)
在2006年至2011年之间,斯托夫维尔的人口增长了54.3%,仅次于米尔顿,为56%,仅次于米尔顿,远远超过了省平均水平的5.7%。2011年,加拿大的人口为37,210,其中29%为移民,其中81%在2001年之前移民加拿大。可见少数民族的数量从2001年的4.53%增长到2011年的24.5%(预计这一趋势将持续到2031年)。在2012-13年度,该社区最新一所学校的6年级儿童中有50%有效地使用了双语(即,在家学习的第一语言不是英语),而2008-09年度为17%。 2010年,定期与其他文化的人进行社交往来的Whitchurch-Stouffville居民的比例远高于全国平均水平。根据2011年的人口普查,英语是73.4%的Whitchurch–Stouffville居民的母语。母语最多的移民语言是广东话(3.1%),意大利语(3.0%),泰米尔语(2.0%)和中文(未特别说明)(1.8%)。根据2016年的人口普查,惠特彻奇-斯托夫维尔最常见的种族起源是英语(20.1%),加拿大(18.6%),中文(14.8%),苏格兰(14.3%),爱尔兰语(13.7%),意大利语(11.7%),德国人(6.4%),东印度人(5.9%),法国人(5.2%)和斯里兰卡人(4.3%)。
Between 2006 and 2011, the population of Stouffville increased by 54.3%, second only to Milton at 56%, second only to Milton, and far exceeding the provincial average of 5.7%. In 2011, Canada’s population was 37,210, of which 29% were immigrants, and 81% of them immigrated to Canada before 2001. It can be seen that the number of ethnic minorities increased from 4.53% in 2001 to 24.5% in 2011 (this trend is expected to continue until 2031). In 2012-13, 50% of 6th grade children in the community’s newest school were effectively bilingual (ie, their first language at home was not English), compared with 17% in 2008-09. In 2010, the proportion of Whitchurch-Stouffville residents who regularly socialized with people from other cultures was much higher than the national average. According to the 2011 census, English was the native language of 73.4% of Whitchurch–Stouffville residents. The most native languages of immigrants are Cantonese (3.1%), Italian (3.0%), Tamil (2.0%) and Chinese (unspecified) (1.8%). According to the 2016 Census, the most common ethnic origins in Whitchurch-Stoveville are English (20.1%), Canadian (18.6%), Chinese (14.8%), Scottish (14.3%), Irish (13.7) %), Italian (11.7%), German (6.4%), East Indian (5.9%), French (5.2%) and Sri Lankan (4.3%)
麦考林杂志显示,斯图夫维尔所在的约克区在危险地排名中位列第201名,也就是说约克区的治安较好,属于加拿大最安全居住地的前30名。Whitchurch-Stouffville 的房价在约克郡里来说,属于价值洼地,且环境优美,非常适合自住,未来增值前景看好,也适合投资,以租养房。
According to Macquarie magazine, the York area, where Stouffville is located, ranks 201st in the dangerous rankings, which means that the York area is relatively safe and is among the top 30 safest places to live in Canada. Whitchurch-Stouffville is a low-value land in York Atea with a beautiful environment, which is very suitable for both self-live and investment. The future value-added prospects are promising.
新豪宅建筑 New Mansion Building
卫生间 Bathroom
私人定制窗子 Customized Build Window
私人订制走入式衣橱 Customized Build Walk-In Closet
空地 Vacant Land
后方视角 Backview


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