斯图夫维尔(Whitchurch-Stouffville)镇由几个不同的社区和小乡村组成。 位于多伦多北部,是约克区东部的一个美丽小镇。小镇宽约4.5公里,西边紧邻404高速,东到York-Durham Line,长约2.7公里, 北临Davis Dr,南临19th Ave, 城市面积206.41平方公里,城市人口为45,837。小镇内拥有广阔的农牧区、茂密的森林、湖泊、峡谷、马术场、高尔夫球场,濒临闹市却又远离喧嚣,所以有桃源小镇的美称。纯天然的自然风光,好似置身世外桃源。每天呼吸着新鲜空气,即便是时下在家工作已成为日常,枯燥的生活也会因此得到些许的安慰。
The town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is made up of several different communities and small villages. Located in the north of Toronto, it is a beautiful town in the east of York. The town is about 4.5 kilometers wide, West adjacent to Highway 404, York-Durham Line to the east, about 2.7 kilometers long, Davis Dr to the north, and 19th Ave to the south. The city covers an area of 206.41 square kilometers and has a population of 45,837. The town has vast farming and pastoral areas, dense forests, lakes, canyons, equestrian fields, and golf courses. It is close to the busy city but far away from the hustle and bustle, so it has the reputation of Taoyuan Town. The pure natural scenery is like being in a paradise. Next to nature with fresh air, even working from home has become to daily life, your life needs to be upgraded.
房型介绍 (Property Description)
地址 Address: 6672 Bethesda Rd, Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON, L4A 7X3
占地面积 Lot Area: 10 Acres (331.50 ft x 1335.60 ft)
房屋面积 Building Area: Approx. 4,000 sq.ft.
挂牌价 Listing Price: $1
类型 Type: 豪宅; Mansion
楼层 Storey: 2-storey
卧室数量 Bedrooms: 5+1
浴室数量 Bathrooms: 4+1
厨房数量 Kitchen: 2
停车位 Parking: 附属车库 / 4; Attached Garage / 4
地下室 Basement: 精美装修, 分门出入; Finished, Separate Entrance
其它建筑物 Other Structure: 带阁楼的车间 (25 x 30 ft); Workshop with loft out back (25 x 30 ft)
地理位置和交通 (Location & Traffic)
路口 Intersection: Bethesda Side Rd / Tenth Line
社区 Community: Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
交通&位置 Transit & Locations:
1 min drive or 9 mins walk to Old Elm Go Train Station. 10 mins drive to Hwy 404, and can enter the highway network of most areas to reach various areas. About half an hour’s drive from downtown Toronto. The town also borders the city of Markham and has obvious geographical advantages. In the past 10 years, the city of Markham has continuously moved its population northward to settle in Stouffville.
1分钟车程或9分钟走路到 Old Elm Go 火车站。10分钟车程至HWY 404,可进入大多地区高速路网到达各个地区。距离多伦多市中心约有半小时车程。该镇还与万锦市接壤,地理位置优势明显,近10年来万锦市不断有人口北迁至斯图夫维尔定居。
周边环境 Surroundings:
7 mins drive to Main St, which has supermarkets, banks, retail stores, various restaurants, etc. Steps to Golf Clubs and Bethesda Sports Fields Community Park
7 分钟车程到Main St,这条街上有超市、银行、零售店、各种餐厅等。几步路就可到达高尔夫球场和Bethesda Sports Fields社区公园。
教育资源 (Education)
小学&初中 Elementary & Intermediate School
- Glad Park Public School
- St. Justin Martyr Catholic Elementary School
高中 Secondary School
- Stouffville District Secondary School
- Unionville High School
- St. Brother Andre Catholic High School
人口分布 (Population)
In 2021 the census recorded a population of 49,864 people in Stouffville. The 2023 population is estimated to be about 56,100. That’s an increase of 6,236 residents over two years.
2021 年人口普查记录显示 Stouffville 人口为 49,864 人。预计 2023 年人口约为 56,100 人。两年内居民人数增加了 6,236 人。
照片 (Photos)
Front Of Mansion
Living Room
Dining Room
Second Floor Stairs
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom‘s Bathroom
2nd Bedroom
3rd Bedroom
2nd Bathroom
4th Bedroom
5th Bedroom
3rd Bathroom
Basement Kitchen
Finished Basement w/ Separate Entrance
Rear Yard Deck
Rear Yard Workshop