汉密尔顿是加拿大安大略省的港口城市。汉密尔顿的人口为 569,353,其人口普查大都市区,包括伯灵顿和格里姆斯比,人口为 785,184。该市位于多伦多西南 58 公里(36 英里)的大多伦多和汉密尔顿地区 (GTHA)。传统上,当地经济一直由钢铁和重工业主导。在过去十年中,已经转向服务类型,如健康和科学。汉密尔顿是皇家植物园、加拿大战机遗产博物馆、布鲁斯步道、麦克马斯特大学、莫霍克学院和救赎者大学学院的所在地。在 2021 年泰晤士高等教育排名中,麦克马斯特大学在加拿大排名第 4,在世界排名第 69。
Hamilton is a port city in the Canadian province of Ontario. Hamilton has a population of 569,353, and its census metropolitan area, which includes Burlington and Grimsby, has a population of 785,184. The city is 58 kilometers (36 mi) southwest of Toronto in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Traditionally, the local economy has been led by the steel and heavy manufacturing industries. Within the last decade, there has been a shift towards the service sector, like health and sciences. Hamilton is home to the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, the Bruce Trail, McMaster University, Mohawk College, and Redeemer University College. McMaster University is ranked 4th in Canada and 69th in the world by Times Higher Education Rankings 2021.
物业介绍 (Property Description)
地址 Address: 112 Leland St, Hamilton, ON, L8S 3A2
占地面积 Lot Size: 50 ft x 100 ft
室内面积 Floor Area: Approx. 1,200 sq.ft.
类型 Type: Detached 1 1/2 Storey
出租详情 (Rental Description)
楼层 Storey: 楼上 Upper Level(Main & 2nd)
租金 Rental: $3,900 for 5 persons
房间 Rooms: 4+1 卧室,2 浴室,1厨房,客厅,洗衣房;5-6 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, 1 kitchen combined w/ dining, Living, Laundry.
停车位 Parking: 2个车道停车位; Two Driveway Parking Space
额外费用:承担水电气, 网络和热水箱租金 70% 的费用, 每3个月需要预付一次; Share Utilities With Basement Tenant, Upper-Level Tenant Pays 70% Of Total Utilities (Hydro, Gas, Water, Wifi & Hot Water Tank), Utilities Need To Be Paid In Advance Every 3 Months.
特色 Feature: 独立出入口,适合小型的家庭,朋友合租或者学生; Separate Entrance, Suitable for small families, Group of friends, and students
平面图 (Floor Plan)
5间卧室 5 Bedrooms
6间卧室 6 Bedrooms
地理位置和交通 (Location & Traffic)
社区 Community: Hamilton
路口 Intersection: Whitney Ave / Leland St
地理位置 Location: 离多伦多一小时车程
交通 Traffic: 步行 1 分钟可以到达 Bus Station, 开车3-4分钟到达 McMaster University,开车3 分钟到达 Shoppers Drug Mart,2分钟到达 超市, 4分钟上Hwy 8。Walk 1 min to Bus Station, drive 3-4 mins to McMaster University, drive 3 mins to Shoppers Drug Mart, 2 mins to Supermarket, 4 mins drive to Hwy 8
教育资源 (Education)
小学和中学 Elementary & Intermediate
Canadian Martyrs
高中 Secondary
Canadian Martyrs
大学 University
McMaster University
Macmaster Uni is the top 6 Uni in Canada and Ranks top 100 in the world
在 2016 年加拿大人口普查中,该市 24.69% 的人口并非出生在加拿大。26,330 名移民在2001 年至 2010 年间抵达Hamilton, 2011 年至 2016 年间则成为了 13,150 名移民的家园。
In the 2016 Canadian census, 24.69% of the city’s population was not born in Canada. Hamilton is home to 26,330 immigrants who arrived in Canada between 2001 and 2010 and 13,150 immigrants who arrived between 2011 and 2016.
照片 (Pictures)
Kitchen 厨房
Kitchen 厨房
Kitchen & Dining 厨房 & 餐厅
Master Bedroom 主卧
2nd Bedroom 2nd 卧室
3rd Bedroom (Can be divided into 2 bedrooms) 3rd 卧室 (可以分成2间卧室)
Main Floor Bathroom 一楼浴室
Main Floor Bathroom 一楼浴室
Stairs to 2nd Floor 通往二楼楼梯
4th Bedroom 4th 卧室
5th Bedroom 5th 卧室
2nd Floor Bathroom 二楼浴室
Rear Yard 后院