There are many reasons a home sits on the market racking up days without finding the right buyer. Some things you can control and some you can’t. This list focuses on 5 incredibly important factors a home seller can control that will help ensure a quick sale at highest price possible.
房屋在市场上搁置几天却找不到合适的买家的原因有很多。有些事情你可以控制,有些你不能。这份清单着重于卖家可以控制的 5 个极其重要的因素,这些因素将有助于确保以尽可能高的价格快速出售。
1. Price: Every home will sell if priced correctly
1. 价格:如果定价正确,每间房屋都会出售
This one should tower above every other category on the list because it is far and away the most important factor when selling a home. Every house is “sellable” if it is priced accordingly. The 3 most common reasons a homeowner over prices a property are:
这个应该高于列表中的所有其他类别,因为它无疑是出售房屋时最重要的因素。如果相应地定价,每栋房子都是“可出售的”。房主对房产定价过高的 3 个最常见原因是:
- They are not realistic about the home’s true market value. For example, a seller may have overvalued improvements made to the property that do not translate to an increase in value, yet they price their home as if it has. Many buyers will not pay top dollar for upgrades that you have chosen for your personal taste.
- 他们对房屋的真实市场价值并不现实。例如,卖家可能高估了对房产所做的改进,但这些改进并没有转化为价值的增加,但他们为自己的房屋定价时就好像它已经发生了一样。许多买家不会为您根据个人品味选择的升级支付高价。
- A seller has misinterpreted the market data. Too many times I see a seller price their home based on “neighborhood” averages rather than looking at the true comps relative to their home. You should only be factoring in SOLD homes in your area, of similar size, similar number of stories (if possible), similar features, and within a close year built range. The largest 2 story in the neighborhood will have a significantly different price per square foot than the smallest one story so stay within your subsection of the neighborhood. It’s good to stay up on the actives and pending listings so you know your competition. But it’s the sold listings that paint the accurate picture of values.
- 卖家误解了市场数据。很多次我看到卖家根据“邻里”平均值而不是查看相对于他们家的真实价格来为他们的房子定价。您应该只考虑您所在地区的已售房屋,这些房屋具有相似的大小、相似的故事数量(如果可能)、相似的特征,并且在近年建成范围内。社区中最大的 2 层楼每平方英尺的价格与最小的一层楼的价格大不相同,因此请留在您所在社区的分区内。保持活跃和待定列表是很好的,这样您就可以了解您的竞争对手。但正是售出的清单描绘了价值的准确图景。
- Pricing too high to make room to negotiate. There is a common misconception that you should price your home higher than you expect to sell in order to create negotiating room for a lower offer. I have seen this backfire more often then it has been effective. What happens is you price yourself out the buyer’s radar and never get the showing in the first place. Price your home well and a buyer will see the value and pay your price. You also increase your chances for a bidding war. You want people beating down your door and throw offers at you, do you think that will happen if you already know you are over priced?
- 定价太高,没有商量余地。有一个普遍的误解,认为您应该为房屋定价高于您的预期售价,以便为较低的报价创造谈判空间。我看到这种适得其反的情况比它更有效。发生的情况是,您将自己的价格排除在买家的视线之外,而一开始就没有得到展示。为您的房屋定价,买家会看到价值并支付您的价格。您还可以增加竞标战的机会。您希望人们敲门并向您提供报价,如果您已经知道自己的价格过高,您认为这会发生吗?
2. Availability: Make sure you show your home when it needs to be shown!
Have you ever turned away a showing? If so, there is a good chance you didn’t hear from that buyer again. I know it can be difficult to keep your home show ready at all times, or grab the kids and scram for 30 minutes to let someone come look, but it is important if you want to maximize your chances of selling. Buyers can be fickle and time constrained, if you turn them away, there is a good chance they move on to another home in your area. Remember, this situation is temporary and the sacrifices you make now will pay off later.
你有没有拒绝过表演?如果是这样,您很可能再也没有收到该买家的消息。我知道很难随时准备好您的家庭展示,或者抓住孩子并匆匆忙忙 30 分钟让别人来看,但如果您想最大限度地提高销售机会,这一点很重要。买家可能善变且时间有限,如果您拒绝他们,他们很有可能会搬到您所在地区的另一个家。请记住,这种情况是暂时的,您现在做出的牺牲将在以后得到回报。
3. Marketing: Get into your local MLS!
3. 营销:进入当地的 MLS!
Not only does a buyer need to be able to find your listing, they need to be captivated by it. We live in a digital world and buyers are looking on dozens of different sites to search for properties…….Are you on all of them? Home sellers should be listed in the MLS and as many other popular real estate sites as possible to ensure you are tapped into the largest buyer pool. In addition, your home needs to impress a buyer in a matter of seconds to reel them in. Think about how quickly you click through websites, is your home capable of stopping someone in their tracks? High quality, professional photos is the best way to showcase your home online and get them to book that showing.
买家不仅需要能够找到您的列表,还需要被它迷住。我们生活在一个数字世界中,买家正在寻找数十个不同的网站来搜索房产……。你在所有这些网站上吗?房屋卖家应列在 MLS 和尽可能多的其他受欢迎的房地产网站上,以确保您进入最大的买家群。此外,您的房屋需要在几秒钟内给买家留下深刻印象,以吸引他们。想一想您点击网站的速度有多快,您的房屋是否能够阻止某人进入他们的轨道?高质量、专业的照片是在线展示您的家并让他们预订展示的最佳方式。
4. Show Ready: Did you clean?
4. 准备就绪:你打扫了吗?
I have seen home buyers choose a house with far less upgrades than another in same neighborhood simply because it “felt like a much nicer home”. Why would a buyer choose a lower quality home? The home loaded with upgrades was dark, dingy, cluttered and full of pet odors. The hardwoods and upgraded kitchen faded in to the back drop and left zero impression on the buyer. They couldn’t get out of their fast enough. The buyers ended up purchasing a home around the corner with wall to wall carpet and a more dated kitchen simply because it was staged perfectly, clean, smelled great and appealed to every one of the buyer’s senses. I tried to talk them into purchasing the first one, letting them know that every issue could be remedied with a deep cleaning and the upgrades were much higher quality. They weren’t having it. The other home was stuck in their head and created a deep emotional connection. So get your home looking as nice as possible and keep it that way until it’s sold.
5. The Little Things: Every home will sell if priced correctly
5. 小事:如果定价正确,每个房子都会卖出去
This one ties in closely with number 4. Walk around your house and make a list of all the little things that would turn off a buyer. It could be dingy paint, broken hardware, cracked light fixtures. Things that you have become so accustomed to seeing that you may not even notice anymore. Be critical of yourself, because trust me, the buyers or their agent will be. I’m not telling you to do a full blown remodel, but I am recommending fixing the little things that are not very costly. Thinking that a buyer will not care of one or two things need to be fixed is a dangerous assumption. Many first time home buyers don’t understand the challenges and expenses of home ownership…….You do not want to be the house that reminds them of that. Sprucing up your home and fixing the little things will likely yield you a much higher return than a price drop or repair concession you have to make if these become “deal breaker” items for a buyer.
这与第 4 点密切相关。在你的房子里走一圈,列出所有可能让买家望而却步的小事。它可能是肮脏的油漆、破损的硬件、破裂的灯具。您已经习惯于看到的事情,您甚至可能不再注意了。批评自己,因为相信我,买家或他们的代理人会。我并不是要您进行全面改造,但我建议您修理一些不太昂贵的小东西。认为买家不会关心一两件需要修理的东西是一个危险的假设。许多首次购房者不了解拥有房屋的挑战和费用……。您不想成为让他们想起这一点的房子。