列治文山183 Gormley Rd West 獨立屋/仓库出租 Richmond Hill Detached / Shed storage for lease

宁静社区全新裝修靓房推荐,好位置, 在多伦多龙脉央街东侧5分钟车程,华人青睐有加的 Richmond Hill 紧挨404 & Stouffville 边上,183 Gormley Road, Richmond hill. 適,大戶外空間,多車家庭。

Quiet community and beautiful refurbished house for lease. Good location,  5-minute drive east of Yonge Street in Toronto, Richmond Hill, which is very popular with Chinese people, is next to 404 & Stouffville. 183 Gormley Road.  require big outdoor space or numbers of cars.


列治文山獨立屋出租,占地廣,環境優美,整屋全新裝修。4間臥室2個衛生間。鄰近404交通便利。南下有Costco, Homedepot等賣場商活機能便利。租金 3,000/month (不含後面的storage)。

Richmond Hill detached for lease. Total area up to 3.073 ac。4 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. The community is beautiful and quiet. The whole house was completely refurbished. Close to 404, Costco, Homedepot, and a plaza with food court and banking service. Rent: 3,000/Month (not include the back yard storage)

卧室 Bedroom: 4
浴室 Bethroom: 2
厨房 Kitchen:1
洗衣房 Laundry:1
车位 Parking:5个地上车位  5 surface parking

房屋外观 External View

入口 Entrance

客厅 Living Room

客厅到厨房 Living room to Kitchen

一楼浴室&洗衣房 Ground Floor Bath & Laundry

前厅 Lobby

前厅到楼梯 Lobby to Stair

二楼楼梯 up to 2nd Floor Stair

二楼楼梯入口 2nd Floor Entry of Stair

二楼卧室 #1 2nd-floor bd room 1

二楼卧室 #2 2nd-floor bd room 2

二楼浴室 2nd-floor bathroom

三楼楼梯 3rd floor stair

院子 Yard

后面仓库分开出租 Back Shed Storage For Rent Separately

尺寸 Approximate: 1000 SqFt (Main Floor: 500 SqFt; 2th Floor: 500 SqFt)

租金 Rent              :$1000/month

备注 Remark         : 仓库有电源,可用电,没有暖气

The shed storage is not heated, with electricity






有兴趣的联系iHome Realty Team 爱家地产团队
阿刚(Michael Li) 647-505-6168 微信:ihomemike
因为爱,我们在,Real Love, Hard Working!

列治文山183 Gormley Rd West 獨立屋/仓库出租 Richmond Hill Detached / Shed storage for lease