334 Annshiela Dr Video:
在寻求更高的生活质量,要求寻找拥有私家湖景别墅。越来越多的人们开始寻找人口密度不大的郊区社区生活。交通要便利,还要有宽阔的湖面景观,即使长期在家工作也会是个不错的工作生活环境。距离多伦多市中心最近的Lake Simcoe旁的湖滨小镇–Keswick,湖光水色,城乡相连成为首选。
房型介绍 (Property Description)
占地面积 Lot Area: 12,000 sq.ft. ( 62.5 ft x 192 ft )
地址 Address: 334 Annshiela Dr, Keswick, ON L4P 3A5
价格 Price: $629,900 (抢offer价)
厨房数量 Kitchens: 1
浴室数量 Bathrooms: 2 (1 @ Main floor, 1 @ Basement)
卧室数量 Bedrooms: 2+2
楼层 Storey: 1
停车位 Parking: 4 / Private Drive Way
风格 Type: Detached
地下室装修: 精美装修 / 走出式 Finished / Walk-up
地理位置 (Location)
地理位置 Location: 1分钟到 Miami Beach, 4分钟到超级市场
社区 Community: Keswick
路口 Intersection: Lake Dr S/ Annshiela Dr
Keswick原本是安省中南部一个安静的度假村,隶属于Georgina镇。现在,这里是大多伦多地区以外一个倍受注目的新区,更成为年轻人买房的热门选择。Keswick的位置被认为相当完美,在大多地区主动脉404高速公路与闪高湖(Lake Simcoe)湾Cook’s Bay中间。小镇延续了传统的节庆活动,包括农夫市场,整个夏季户外社区活动接连不断,包括烧烤节(BBQFest),丰收节(Uptown Keswick Harvest Festival)。其他社区活动还有雪节(Snofest)、Youth-a-Palooza、国庆日(Canada Day)、 Sutton Fair和泼水节(Splash Festival)。正是这种轻松的环境与浓浓的生活气息,像一块巨大吸铁石,吸引着大量都市的年轻人来这里定居和安家。
Keswick is a community located in the south-central Canadian province of Ontario. Situated north of Toronto on Cook’s Bay (part of Lake Simcoe), Keswick is part of the Town of Georgina, the northernmost municipality in the Regional Municipality of York. Traditional festivals, including the farmer’s market, and outdoor community activities continue throughout the summer, including the BBQ Festival and the Uptown Keswick Harvest Festival. Other community activities include Snofest, Youth-a-Palooza, Canada Day, Sutton Fair, and Splash Festival.
教育资源 (Education)
小学 Elementary
Jersey Public School
中学 High Schools
Keswick H.S.
Education is a partnership involving parents, students, teachers, principals, community and school boards. School councils provide advice on school matters and help to strengthen the important relationship between schools, parents/guardians and their communities.This is just one way families can get involved to support students and schools. Learn about other things you can do to engage with your child’s learning at home and at school.
人口分布 (Population)
根据2016年人口调查显示, Keswick人口数为26757。这样的人口数字对于久居喧嚣城市的人们意味着幽静,安宁,天伦之乐。长年累月的繁忙工作我们收获了富足的物质生活,但是精神的食粮同样需要补充。好好享受慢下来的生活,在大自然的环境下和爱人,家人用心的生活。
Keswick 当初是作为度假别墅区域兴起来的市镇,所以整个市镇靠湖而建,环湖抱水的风格,就形成南北长条状,与闪高湖紧密相连。而蜿蜒于Keswick 城镇中心的,还有一条河,叫做Maskinonge River。这条河穿过Keswick 两条主街道,流经The Queensway South, Woodbine,几乎贯穿整个Keswick。
视频介绍链接(中英文字幕,无水印,经纪版)Video link (For Agent):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT32ErRkNf4
房子正面 / House facade
房子后面 / Backyard
屋顶和后院 / Roof & Backyard
客厅 / Living Room
厨房 / Kitchen
一楼卧室#1 / Main Floor Bedroom #1
一楼卧室#2 / Main Floor Bedroom #2
一楼浴室 / Main Floor Washroom
地下室客厅 / Basement Living Room
地下室卧室 / Basement Bedroom
地下室浴室 / Basement Washroom
洗衣房 / Laundry
地下室出入口 / Basement Entrance
斜对面邻居刚刚翻建好 / Opposit Neighbour Just Finished Re-built (3,000 + sq.ft. – 335 Annshielad Dr)
湖面风景 / Cook’s Bay
MLS#: N5200703
有兴趣的联系iHome Realty Team 爱家地产团队
阿刚(Michael Li) 647-505-6168 微信:ihomemike
因为爱,我们在,Real Love, Hard Working!