Founder 创立人

Founder 创立人李刚健 于2018年7月创立了爱家地产团队。在20多年其他領域銷售和管理經驗的基礎上, 从进入地产领域的第一天, 李刚健就确立以团队合作, 高效服务为地产服务的大原则。

2018年9月,成为加中地产商会理事 – 和理事会内其他地产行老板或顶尖经纪成为义工同事;2019年3月成为加拿大地产学院院士(准),高起点,严要求;用行业最高的标准服务客人。

爱家地产 — 因为爱, 我们在! 李刚健身体力行,除了深度参与数个多伦多非营利组织(创业协进会,华人高尔夫协会,加中地产商会)的义工工作外,还积极带头筹集善款, 回馈社区。发起了每年一度的“帮助儿童”慈善高球赛, 创立了“爱家地产“青少年奖学金基金会, 成立“爱家演讲俱乐部”等等。

Michael  Li Founded ” I Home Team” in July 2018. Resort to Michael’s  rich marketing and human resources management experience since 2003, Michael believe the Team style can ensure  more efficiency service to the clients, to their various real property or business buying/selling needs, including the client’s rental requirement.

Michael Li was elected as CCRPA(Canada-China Realty Professional Association) director in September 2018, and was awarded with FRI title in March 2019, he is also board member or founder of other NPO in GTA Toronto, meanwhile he organized quite a few charity events, himself take the lead to donate money or products to help others; Michael care the young generation: he founded “I Home Scholarship” , also he founded “I Home Gavel Club” to help the kids grow healthily.

Founder 创立人